Italian Business Academy

is an educational project born from love for Italy and its intellectual know-how.
Historically, italian DNA has its own inimitable recognizable style.

We have gathered international experts who are successful in their field, realized as entrepreneurs and teaching at the best Italian Universities.

Our mission is to give you the exclusive tools of Italian masters. Better understand their professional culture. Implement the most valuable tools in your professional activities. Just go to the next level in your profession and receive gratitude for what you do. Gain exclusive skills and develop your own style by learning from the brightest minds in Italian contemporary professional culture.

We offer highly specialized areas of postgraduate courses. Only interactive learning, direct dialogue with the teacher.

For the most curious and ambitious minds.
The luxury of an international online education in a relatively short time frame. Postgraduate certificate.

Our students will have the opportunity to apply the acquired knowledge during an internship in an Italian company selected especially for you.

Learn from the best. Be the best.
